发布于: 雪球转发:1回复:3喜欢:0
回复@bullseye:We are involved in all companies Chinese and US...Also, I do not cover my stocks when I put out a story, my stories are long term situations sometimes//@bullseye:@CitronResearch - What's the benefit that driven you short selling and attacking Chinese company all the time? Did the funds which you worked with get you any benefits we don't know yet? Why don't you share that with us, too? Why do I always see a dramatic volume increase right before you release your reports?
2011-12-08 11:27


2011-12-09 17:44

回复 @CitronResearch: But you know, many people now thinking your report of Qihu is loosing power.

2011-12-08 22:43

回复@bullseye:We are involved in all companies Chinese and US...Also, I do not cover my stocks when I put out a story, my stories are long term situations sometimes//@bullseye:What's the benefit that driven you short selling and attacking Chinese company all the time? Did the funds which you worked with get you any benefits we don't know yet? Why don't you share that with us, too? Why do I always see a dramatic volume increase right before you release your reports?

2011-12-08 22:32

回复@CitronResearch: So you do admit to holding positions in the stocks you cover. That does leave room for an obvious elephant in the room: Just like any other crocodiles, you are a scaremonger. Am I not correct?