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巴菲特认为自己是100%的费雪和100%的格雷厄姆,两人的观点并不冲突,只是侧重点不同(英文原文是I think I’d rather think of myself as being a sort of a hundred percent Ben Graham and a hundred percent Phil Fisher in the points where they don’t — and they really don’t — contradict each other. It’s just that they had a vastly different emphasis.)。

巴菲特是大概是在1950年左右的时候,接触到了格雷厄姆的书,并且非常推荐《聪明投资者》的第8章和第20章。认为格雷厄姆思想包括3条核心原则(1995年股东大会上午场地31个问题),第一是市场先生(your attitude toward the stock market.),第二是安全边际(margin of safety),第三是把股票看成是一门生意(looking at stocks as businesses)。


区别在于,格雷厄姆认为自己基于财务报表上统计数据的分析更加容易易于实践(easier policy to apply)和易于教会别人(more teachable),但是在实践过程中,巴菲特管理大资金的时候,长时间找不到投资标的。

此外,巴菲特多次强调格雷厄姆的方法不能管理大钱(can not manage lots of money),并引述格雷厄姆一纽曼公司基金一共有1200万美元。






9. Comparing investing styles of Ben Graham and Phil Fisher



AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yes, Neil McMahon (PH), New York City, also a Sequoia shareholder.

Ben Graham investing encouraged turnover. Looking at Berkshire’s holdings, concentration and long-term, are you still a 15 percent Phil Fisher and 85 percent Graham?



我认为假如算我的方法受人影响的百分比的话,《福布斯》的杰姆,迈克尔斯(Jim Michaels)算一个。


我认为我是100%的菲利普·费雪和100%的本·格雷厄姆,[A1] 他们两人的观点并不冲突,只是侧重点不同而已。

资本回报率高而且可以不断追加投资的企业是世界上最好的企业。格雷厄姆不会反对这个观点。格雷厄姆的钱大部分是从GEICO (政府雇员保险公司)中赚来的,这家公司就是那种最好的企业。



格雷厄姆一纽曼公司(Graham Newman Corp.)实际上是一个开放式基金,有600万美元的净值。纽曼和格雷厄姆(Newman Graham)是这家公司的合伙人,自己也有600万美元。所以他们一共有1,200万美元。





WARREN BUFFETT: I don’t know what the percentage would be. I’m a hundred percent Ben Graham in those three points I mentioned earlier, and those really count.

I am very — I was very influenced by Phil Fisher when I first read his two books, back around 1960[A2] or thereabouts. And I think that they’re terrific books, and I think Phil is a terrific guy.

So, I think I probably gave that percentage to — I think I first used it in Forbes one time when Jim Michaels wrote me. And I think I, you know, it was one of those things. I just named a number.

But I think I’d rather think of myself as being a sort of a hundred percent Ben Graham and a hundred percent Phil Fisher[A3] in the points where they don’t — and they really don’t — contradict each other. It’s just that they had a vastly different emphasis.

Ben would not have disagreed with the proposition that if you can find a business with a high rate of return on capital[A4] that can keep using more capital on that — that that’s the best business in the world. And of course, he made most of his money out of GEICO, which was precisely that sort of business.

So, he recognized it, it’s just that he felt that the other system of buying things that were statistically very cheap, and buying a large number of them, was an easier policy to apply, and one that was a little more teachable.[A5]

He would’ve felt that Phil Fisher’s approach was less teachable than his, but his had a more limited value because it was notworkable with really large sums of money[A6] .

At Graham-Newman Corp — Graham-Newman Corp was a closed-end fund — oh, it was technically an open-end fund, but it had $6 million of net worth. And Newman and Graham, the partnership that was affiliated with it, had 6 million. So, you had a total pool of 12 million.

Well, you could go around buying little machine tool companies — stocks in machine tool companies, whatever it might be, all statistically cheap. And that was a very good group operation.

And he had — you have — if you own a lousy business, you have to sell it at some point. I mean, if you own a group of lousy businesses, you better hope some of them get taken over or something happens. You need turnover.

If you own a wonderful business, you know, you don’t want turnover, basically.



其中有一家叫产权保险信托公司(Title Insurance and Trust Company),该公司曾在加利福尼亚州首屈一指。







CHARLIE MUNGER: What was interesting to me about the Phil Fisher businesses is that a very great many of them didn’t last as wonderful businesses.

One of his businesses was Title Insurance and Trust Company, which dominated the state of California.

It had the biggest title plant, which was maintained by hand, and it had great fiscal solvency, and integrity, and so forth. It just dominated a lucrative field.

And along came the computer, and now you could create, for a few million dollars, a title plant and keep it up without an army of clerks.

And pretty soon, we had 20 different title companies, and they would go to great, big customers like big lenders and big real estate brokers, and pay them outlandish commissions by the standards of yore, and bid away huge blocks of business.

And in due course, in the State of California, the aggregate earnings of all the title insurance companies combined went below zero — starting with a virtual monopoly.

WARREN BUFFETT: From what looked like a monopoly.

CHARLIE MUNGER: So, very few companies are so safe that you can just look ahead 20 years. And technology is sometimes your friend and it’s sometimes your bitter enemy.

If Title Insurance and Trust Company had been smart, they would’ve looked on that computer, which they saw as a cost reducer, as one of the worst curses that ever came to man.






WARREN BUFFETT: You can — it probably takes morebusiness experience and insights,[A7] to some degree, to apply Phil Fisher’s approach than it does Graham’s approach. If you —

The only problem is, you may be shut out of doing anything for a long time[A8] with Ben’s approach, and you may have a lot of difficulty in doing it with big money.

But if you strictly applied, for example, his working capital test to securities, you know, it will work. It just may not work on a very big scale, and there may be periods when you’re not doing much.

Ben really was more of a teacher than a — I mean, he had no urge to make a lot of money. It did not interest him. So he was — he really wanted something that he thought was teachable as a cornerstone of his philosophy and approach.[A9]

And he felt you could read his books sitting out here in Omaha and apply — buying things that were statistically cheap, and you didn’t have to have any special insights about business or consumer behavior, or anything of the sort.

And I don’t think there’s any question about that being true, but I also don’t think you can manage lots of money[A10] in accord with it.

31. Focus on Graham’s three principles(非常重要)


AUDIENCE MEMBER: John Rankin (PH), Fort Collins, Colorado. Thanks for having us.

In the book, “Warren Buffett Way,” the author describes the capital growth model that you’ve used to evaluate intrinsic value in common stock purchases.

My question is, do you also still use the formula Ben Graham described in “The Intelligent Investor,” that uses evaluating anticipated growth, but also book value?[A11]

It seems to me that fair value is always a bit higher when using Mr. Graham’s formula than the stream of cash discounted back to present value that is in “Warren Buffett Way” and also that you’ve alluded to in annual reports.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah, we’ve tried to put in the annual report pretty much how we approach securities. And book value is not a consideration — virtually, not a consideration at all.[A12]

And the best businesses, by definition, are going to be businesses that earn veryhigh returns on capital employed[A13] over time. So, by nature, if we want to own good businesses, we’re going to own things that have relatively little capital employed compared to our purchase price.

That would not have been Ben Graham’s approach. But Ben Graham was — Ben was not working with very large sums of money. And he would not have argued with this approach, he just would’ve said his was easier. And it is easier, perhaps, when you’re working with small amounts of money.

My friend Walter Schloss[A14] has hewed much more toward the kind of securities that Ben would’ve selected. But he’s worked with smaller amounts of money. He has an absolutely sensational record. And it’s not surprising to me at all. I mean, when Walter left Graham-Newman, I would’ve expected him to do well.

But I don’t look at the primary message[A15] , from our standpoint, of Graham, really, as being in that — in anything to do with formulas. In other words, there’s three important aspects to it.

You know, one is your attitude toward the stock market.[A16] That’s covered in chapter eight of “The Intelligent Investor.” I mean, if you’ve got that attitude toward the market, you start ahead of 99 percent of all people who are operating in the market. So, you have an enormous advantage.

Second principle is the margin of safety[A17] , which again, gives you an enormous edge, and actually has applicability far beyond just the investment world.

And then the third is just looking at stocks as businesses[A18] , which gives you an entirely different view than most people that are in the market.

And with those three sort of philosophical benchmarks, the exact — the evaluation technique you use is not really that important. Because you’re not going to go way off the track, whether you use Walter’s approach — Walter Schloss’s — or mine, or whatever.

Phil Carret has a slightly different approach. But it’s got those three cornerstones to it, I will guarantee. And believe me, he’s done very well.























2023-03-04 09:09

原文:我认为假如算我的方法受人影响的百分比的话,《福布斯》的杰姆,迈克尔斯(Jim Michaels)算一个。

2023-03-04 08:14


2019-11-04 17:18


2019-11-04 17:08
