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$星巴克(SBUX)$ 在Reddit上看到一个美国人对星巴克的点评,很好地解释了甜食成瘾的原因:
This is why we say our customers aren't addicted to the caffeine, they're addicted to the sugar. They just don't realize it.
Sugar consumption is legit a huge problem in the US, and everyone here is so used to sweetness that it takes a lot more sugar for it to register. It's especially bad in drinks, and I think people are slowly becoming more aware of it, but there's no good way to let everyone know without putting a sugar warning in the store or something. We have calorie counts on the menu, but people don't understand just how much of that comes from the sugar.


02-20 05:28

对糖研究更深的是$百事(PEP)$ $可口可乐(KO)$ ,他们大笔资助科研论文,试图消除大众对过量摄入糖会危害健康的认识。一种说法是他们是这个时代的烟草。

02-20 00:12

美国Dunkin Donuts的食物根本就甜到吃不下去,不知道他们是怎么习惯的。。。可能是从小就慢慢上瘾了吧

02-20 00:44


02-20 00:46

