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$Summit Therapeutics(SMMT)$
Summit prepares to spar with Merck
CHICAGO — Summit Therapeutics is prepared to take on the world’s best-selling drug.
On Thursday, the biotech’s stock nearly tripled after reporting that its cancer drug ivonescimab beat Merck’s blockbuster Keytruda in a head-to-head, China-based Phase 3 trial in non-small cell lung cancer. It’s the first time any drug has outperformed Keytruda in one of cancer’s biggest killers and biggest markets.
Endpoints News spoke to Summit CEO Bob Duggan on the sidelines of the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual meeting in Chicago. Duggan, a biotech veteran who sold Pharmacyclics and its BTK inhibitor Imbruvica to AbbVie in a $21 billion deal, said Summit is prepared to bring its drug to market on its own or partner with other drugmakers to do so.
The company is running additional trials outside of China with the goal of readying for US approval of ivonescimab, a PD-1 and VEGF bispecific inhibitor it’s developing with Akeso. And Akeso and Summit are running 19 trials of the drug as they race toward a showdown with Keytruda, which last year sold $25 billion and has become a cornerstone of oncology.
“If we barely beat them, it’s a problem,” Duggan said. “If we clock them good, ask the patients what they want to do. Ask the doctors what they want to do.”
Next up are the full data from the China trial, which Summit said it plans to present at a medical meeting later this year. The biotech is also sponsoring two global Phase 3 trials of the drug, with the first set to complete enrollment this year.
So what does this mean for Merck?
“If it’s good for patients, it’s good for me. I’m happy with that,” Eliav Barr, CMO for Merck Research Laboratories, said when asked about Summit’s announcement.
“But first you have to see the data,” he continued. “Press releases are such as they are.”
Keytruda’s David and Goliath moment
Summit is focused on proving it can beat Keytruda, but that’s going to be a tough battle. Merck CEO Rob Davis thinks Keytruda, which has been approved in 39 indications and 17 different tumor types, is “not a repeatable model,” according to remarks he made Friday.
Merck has tried pairing Keytruda with a VEGF inhibitor in lung cancer, but the studies didn’t pan out. A readthrough to Summit and Akeso’s asset, though, is difficult because ivonescimab is a bispecific inhibitor that goes after both PD-1 and VEGF versus a co-administered approach.
Merck’s booth at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting. Photo by Kyle LaHucik for Endpoints News.
Duggan described Barr’s comments as the “right approach.”
“Competition is good when you look at humankind, but you have to have that big picture in mind, and then they will strive to do better,” Duggan said. “They’ve done a hell of a job. They have really, really serviced their patients with their product. If you just copied what they did, you wouldn’t be too far off from a bullseye.”
Summit and Akeso are exploring ivonescimab in nearly 20 trials, with lung cancer just one of their many ambitions. The drug received its first approval last month, in China, for patients with second-line EGFR mutant NSCLC.
Summit is awaiting results from its own global, Phase 3 study in patients with EGFR mutant positive second-line advanced or metastatic NSCLC, called HARMONi. That indication is part of the biotech’s “fast-to-market strategy,” according to Summit CMO Allen Yang, and the company plans to use the data for approval. Summit is also running a separate global Phase 3, called HARMONi-3, in first-line squamous metastatic NSCLC, which has a larger patient population.
The biotech said it doesn’t plan to rely solely on the China-only data. The FDA’s lead oncologist, Rick Pazdur, has repeatedly said the agency wants data from multi-regional studies. But the China data will likely still play a critical role in regulatory discussions.
“Just because it was in China doesn’t mean we can just toss it aside,” Barr said.
Summit paid Akeso $500 million upfront in 2022 for access to ivonescimab in the US, Europe and other regions. Duggan joined Summit’s board in 2019 and became CEO in 2020.
A precedent set by Pharmacyclics
Duggan and his team are well-versed in pharma partnerships, and Summit’s current leadership includes former Pharmacyclics executives like co-CEO Maky Zanganeh and CFO Manmeet Soni.
Maky Zanganeh
Four years before the AbbVie acquisition, the biotech passed on an offer from Celgene and instead struck a deal with Johnson & Johnson for up to $975 million.
“When we did the deal with Johnson, they were really looking to get into oncology and they were tiny. And if they were big, you tend to want to go with the bigs, but they’ve got four or five other competing drugs and yours may get lost,” Duggan said. “We shuffled some people out. Celgene was one of them because they [wanted] to combine us only with Revlimid, and how’s that going to really work?”
Duggan said he’s open to dealmaking for ivonescimab, though he is quick to note that better data often mean better deals.
“The more accurate data — verified, validated — the better you are,” he said. “It’s something that we’re always looking at, and companies will come to us and present us with their plan [of] how well they can do with it. It’s got to be a win for patients. It’s got to be a win for the partner and got to be a win for us.”
That said, the company has runway while it waits for concrete data. As of March 31, it had $157 million in cash, equivalents, restricted cash and short-term investments, enough to take operations through the first quarter of 2025.
“There’s no scarcity of money, but money is attracted to good results,” Duggan said. “As long as you’re generating good results, [and they’re] well communicated, you have vast access to cash on favorable terms. That’s how we’ve always played the game.”
Duggan’s comments came on Sunday morning. On Monday morning, Summit announced an unsolicited offer from an undisclosed “institutional investor.” The company accepted the offer, which includes 22.22 million shares at $9 apiece $SMMT. The gross proceeds will be about $200 million.
Summit will also pay up to $70 million to expand its control of ivonescimab. Summit will gain Latin America, Middle East and Africa rights from Akeso.
Editor’s note: This story was updated to include details on the expanded license and $200 million raise announced by Summit on Monday.$康方生物(09926)$ $默沙东(MRK)$<a href="http:/<a href="http:/


[Summit Therapeutics(SMMT)] Summit:东子,你准备好挨揍了吗?Summit准备与默克公司展开竞争。上周四,这家生物技术公司的股票在报告其癌症药物ivonescimab在中国进行的一项针对非小细胞肺癌的III期临床试验中击败了默克公司的畅销药物Keytruda后,几乎翻了三倍。这是首次有任何药物在癌症这一最大杀手和最大市场中击败Keytruda。Endpoints News在美国临床肿瘤学会年会在芝加哥举行期间采访了Summit首席执行官Bob Duggan。Duggan是一位生物技术资深人士,他曾将Pharmacyclics及其BTK抑制剂Imbruvica以210亿美元的价格卖给了艾伯维。他表示,Summit准备自行将其药物推向市场,或与其他制药商合作实现这一目标。该公司正在中国以外的地区进行额外的试验,以期准备美国对ivonescimab的批准,这是它与Akeso共同开发的PD-1和VEGF双特异性抑制剂。Akeso和Summit正在对该药物进行19项试验,竞相与Keytruda展开对决,后者去年销售额达到250亿美元,已成为肿瘤学的基石。"如果我们勉强击败他们,那就成问题了,"Duggan说。"如果我们彻底击败他们,问问患者他们想做什么。问问医生他们想做什么。"接下来是中国试验的完整数据,Summit表示计划在今年晚些时候的一个医学会议上展示。这家生物技术公司还赞助了两项全球III期临床试验,其中第一项计划今年完成招募。那么这对默克公司意味着什么呢?"如果这对患者有益,对我来说也是好事。我很高兴,"默克研究实验室首席医疗官Eliav Barr在被问及Summit的公告时表示。"但首先你得看到数据,"他继续说。"新闻稿就是这样。"Keytruda的大卫与歌利亚时刻Summit专注于证明它能击败Keytruda,但这将是一场艰难的战斗。默克首席执行官Rob Davis认为Keytruda已在39个适应症和17种不同的肿瘤类型中获得批准,"不是一个可复制的模式,"他在周五的评论中表示。默克曾尝试在肺癌中将Keytruda与VEGF抑制剂配对使用,但研究并未取得成功。然而,由于ivonescimab是一种针对PD-1和VEGF的双特异性抑制剂,而Keytruda采用的是联合用药方式,因此很难直接对比Summit和Akeso的资产。2024年美国临床肿瘤学会会议上的默克展位。照片由Kyle LaHucik为Endpoints News拍摄。Duggan将Barr的评论描述为"正确的方法"。"从人类的角度看,竞争是好的,但你必须考虑到大局,然后他们会努力做得更好,"Duggan说。"他们已经做了出色的工作。他们真的为患者提供了很好的服务。如果你只是复制他们所做的事情,你不会离目标太远。"Summit和Akeso正在近20项试验中探索ivonescimab,肺癌只是他们的众多抱负之一。该药物上个月在中国首次获得批准,用于治疗二线EGFR突变型NSCLC患者。Summit正在等待其自己的全球性III期研究结果,该研究针对EGFR突变阳性二线晚期或转移性NSCLC患者,名为HARMONi。根据Summit首席医疗官Allen Yang的说法,这一适应症是该生物技术公司"快速上市策略"的一部分,公司计划使用这些数据进行批准。Summit还在进行另一项名为HARMONi-3的全球III期研究,针对一线鳞状转移性NSCLC,这是一个更大的患者群体。该生物技术公司表示,它不打算仅依赖中国的数据。FDA的首席肿瘤学家Rick Pazdur曾多次表示,该机构希望从多地区研究中获取数据。但中国的数据很可能仍在监管讨论中发挥关键作用。"仅仅因为它是在中国进行的,并不意味着我们可以把它抛在一边,"Barr说。Summit在2022年向Akeso支付了5亿美元预付款,以获得在美国、欧洲和其他地区使用ivonescimab的权利。Duggan于2019年加入Summit董事会,并于2020年成为首席执行官。Pharmacyclics树立的先例Duggan和他的团队在制药合作伙伴关系方面经验丰富,Summit目前的领导层包括前Pharmacyclics高管,如联合首席执行官Maky Zanganeh和首席财务官Manmeet Soni。Maky Zanganeh在艾伯维收购的四年前,这家生物技术公司拒绝了Celgene的提议,转而与强生达成了高达9.75亿美元的协议。"当我们与强生达成交易时,他们真的很想进入肿瘤学领域,而且他们当时规模很小。如果他们是大型公司,你往往会想要与大公司合作,但他们还有其他四五种竞争药物,你的药物可能会被淹没,"Duggan说。"我们调整了一些人员。Celgene就是其中之一,因为他们只想把我们与Revlimid结合起来,这真的能行得通吗?"Duggan表示,他对ivonescimab的交易持开放态度,但他很快指出,更好的数据通常意味着更好的交易。"更准确的数据——经过验证、确认的——对你更有利,"他说。"这是我们一直在关注的,公司会向我们提出他们的计划[关于]他们能做得多好。这对患者必须是一个胜利。对合作伙伴必须是一个胜利,对我们也必须是一个胜利。"尽管如此,公司在等待具体数据的同时仍有发展空间。截至3月31日,该公司拥有1.57亿美元的现金、等价物、受限现金和短期投资,足以支持运营至2025年第一季度。"钱并不稀缺,但钱会被好的结果所吸引,"Duggan说。"只要你产生了好的结果,[并且它们]得到了良好的沟通,你就有广泛的渠道以优惠的条件获得现金。这就是我们一直以来的游戏规则。"Duggan的评论是在周日早上发表的。周一早上,Summit宣布了一家未透露名称的"机构投资者"主动提出的报价。公司接受了这一报价,其中包括以每股9美元的价格购买2222万股$SMMT。总收益约为2亿美元。Summit还将支付高达7000万美元,以扩大对ivonescimab的控制权。Summit将从Akeso获得拉丁美洲、中东和非洲的权利。编辑注:本文已更新,包括Summit周一宣布的扩展许可和2亿美元筹资的细节。

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