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回复@andyding: 中国开发低价电动车有经验啊,筷子悬架,偷工减料就行了,这玩意最简单了。看看逼雅迪怎么偷工减料就行//@andyding:回复@andyding:在上个月的投资者电话会议上,法利透露该公司一直在“秘密”开发低成本电动汽车平台,该团队由艾伦·克拉克 (Alan Clarke) 领导,他领导了特斯拉最畅销的 Model Y 的工程设计:$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$ $福特汽车(F)$
福特组建了一支“才华横溢的臭鼬工厂团队”,与“世界上一些最优秀的电动汽车工程师”一起创建了它。 该团队由艾伦·克拉克 (Alan Clarke) 领导,他领导了特斯拉最畅销的 Model Y 的工程设计。
据《彭博商业周刊》报道,该团队(不到 100 人)正在开发一种新的经济型电动汽车平台,为一款新型小型、更经济实惠的福特电动皮卡和 SUV 提供动力。
知情人士称,首款车型将于 2026 年推出,起价约为 25,000 美元。 它将与特斯拉正在开发的低成本电动汽车相媲美。
该平台将首先采用 LFP 电池,比传统锂离子电池便宜约 30%。 然而,它也在探索其他电动汽车电池技术。
福特采取这一举措之际,多家汽车制造商正计划从中国进口低成本电动汽车。 在 2023 年最后三个月超越特斯拉成为全球最大电动汽车制造商后,比亚迪今年的竞争加剧。
最便宜的是新款 Seagull,在中国的起价约为 9,700 美元。 法利称比亚迪的海鸥“非常好”,正如他警告其他汽车制造商的那样。
尽管比亚迪目前没有计划在美国销售乘用电动汽车,但在欧洲等其他市场“才刚刚开始”。 比亚迪海外扩张之际,首艘载有3000辆汽车的货运船上个月登陆德国。
福特并不是唯一一个在观看的人。 Stellantis首席执行官卡洛斯·塔瓦雷斯(Carlos Tavares)上个月对记者表示,“中国的攻势可能是特斯拉和我们这样的公司目前面临的最大风险。”
During an investor call last month, Farley revealed the company had been “secretly” working on a 网页链接{low-cost EV platform}.
Ford put together a “super-talented skunk works team” to create it with “some of the best EV engineers in the world.” The team is led by Alan Clarke, who led the engineering on 网页链接{Tesla’s best-selling Model Y}.
According to 网页链接{Bloomberg Businessweek}, the team (less than 100 people) is developing a new affordable EV platform to power a new small, more affordable Ford electric pickup and SUV.
Sources familiar with the matter say the first model will launch in 2026, with starting prices around $25,000. It will rival the 网页链接{low-cost EV Tesla} is working on.
The platform will first feature LFP batteries, which are about 30% cheaper than traditional lithium-ion. However, it’s also exploring other EV battery tech.
Amid the shift, Ford is delaying plans for a larger three-row electric, according to the sources.
Ford’s move comes as several automakers aim to take on low-cost EVs from China. After topping Tesla in the last three months of 2023 to become the largest global EV maker, BYD is upping the competition this year.
The Chinese automaker declared a “liberation battle” on gas-powered vehicles after launching a series of low-cost electric vehicles.
Its cheapest, the 网页链接{new Seagull}, starts at around $9,700 in China. Farley called BYD’s Seagull “pretty damn good,” as he warned other automakers.
Although BYD currently 网页链接{has no plans} to sell passenger EVs in the US, it is “just getting started” in other markets like Europe. BYD’s first cargo transport ship, carrying 3,000 vehicles, landed in Germany last month as it expands overseas.
Ford is not the only one watching. Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares told reporters last month, “The Chinese offensive is possibly the biggest risk that companies like Tesla and ourselves are facing right now.”
2024-03-17 20:40
$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ “我们今天从汽车制造商那里听到的是,‘我们不需要更长的续航里程,我们想要更低的成本,’”比顿说。
路透伦敦/底特律12月8日 - 中国廉价电动汽车的崛起加大了传统汽车制造商的压力,这些汽车制造商已转向从电池材料制造商到芯片制造商等供应商,以压缩成本并比之前计划...


青春202303-19 18:37


蛋堡-Zzz03-19 18:16


青春202303-19 17:32


青春202303-19 17:28


阿架03-19 14:44

andyding03-19 12:47

不用辩论,我对明显对$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 缺少基本了解的人无视的,不回帖不辩论,只有对那些有一定程度了解可能是误解才会拯救一下。

Ray91203-19 12:35


青春202303-19 12:12


稳稳的钱03-19 09:11


一把梭十年03-19 08:30
