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$Verastem, Inc. (VSTM)$ ASH 2018 (in December) will take on great importance for Verastem as it will mark their first major conference as a commercial stage operation. In addition to a strong vendor presence, the company is expected to present data on important pipeline projects. Of particular importance on the Duvelisib side is an update on the PRIMO trial, a Phase 2 study investigation DUV monotherapy in PTCL that began in February of 2018. The company may also present data on its Phase 2 BRIO trial, which is examining the efficacy of Duvelisib monotherapy for patients who have relapsed or who become intolerant to Ibrutinib. At ASH, we may also get a glimpse into some preliminary data on the Duvelisib + Venetoclax trial, or some follow-up data on the Duvelisib + FCR combo trial. A positive readout on any of these trials can produce a significant catalyst for the stock price.