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$CEMIG(CIG)$  蓝筹+高股息+ROE 25%。再看一眼巨鲸们过去的交易。 Lazard,14年1季建仓后连续5个季度加仓共62m股成为最大持有机构: 52m是在4.15以上建的(其中12.5m是在5.15以上)。  价资标杆GMO从13年4季开始6个季度除了15年3季度年度高位减持20万股,其他5季都在加仓。另一个价投标杆Oaktree,15年1季度最低位时建仓6.9m。  NOTE: 14年有 1.17刀股息。

Q1 - 2015:  price range: 3.41-4.7,
      Lazard: +8.6m shares, total 61.8m (5.5% of the company)
      Acadian: -8.4m shares, total 21.8m
      JPMorgan: -2.2m shares,total 17.8m
      GMO: +2m shares, total 16.2m (1.6%)
      Oaktree: +6.9m shares, total 16.2m - new position

Q4-2014 price range: $4.28  - $6.57
      Lazard: +4.9m shares,total 53.2m
      Acadian: -2.2m shares, total 30.2m
      JPMorgan: +7.2m shares,total 20m
      GMO:+3.1m shares, total:14.2m

Q3-2014: price range: $5.15  - $8.14
      Lazard: +2.4m shares,total 48.3m
      Acadian: +7.4m shares, total 32.4m
      JPMorgan: +10.0m shares,total 12.9m
      GMO:-0.2m shares, total:11.1m

Q2-2014:  price range: $5.4  - $7.02
      Lazard: +9.3m shares,total 45.9m
      Acadian: +5.6m shares, total 25.0m
      GMO:+2.03m shares, total:11.4m
      Vanguard:    +0.4m shares, total: 8.8m

Q1-2014: price range: $4.15  - $5.63
      Lazard: +36.6m shares,total 36.6m  - new position
      Acadian: +4.9m shares, total 19.4m
      CapitalIntl:+10.8 shares, total 10.8  - new position
      GMO:+3.36m shares, total:9.3m

Q4-2013:  price range: $4.6  - $5.1
      JPMorgan:-4.4m shares, total: 18.8m
      Acadian: +5.0m shares, total: 14.5m
      Vanguard:-0.8m shares, total: 10.9m
      GMO:+4.2m shares, total: 5.9m


2015-10-06 04:23

现在来看说明这些大佬也是人 不是神 本来以为炒到底 结果发现是半山腰 半年又跌50%。最后还不如看看趋势线靠谱,日线周线月线全部空头排列…


2015-07-16 15:28


2015-07-16 15:26


2015-06-26 11:33


2015-06-26 00:50

昨跳水的原因: 法庭昨天否定 Jaguara 发电水电站经营权 可以自动延期生效 。 The Higher Appeal Court (Superior Tribunal de Justiça – STJ) has given judgment onthe Application (Nº 20.432/DF) made by Cemig’s wholly-owned subsidiary CemigGeração e Transmissão S.A. (‘Cemig GT’) for an order of mandamus to annul thedecision in which the Mining and Energy Ministry, by its dispatch of August 23, 2013,refused, on its merits, the application by Cemig GT for extension of its period ofconcession to operate the Jaguara Hydroelectric Plant, under the terms of itsConcession Contract Nº 007/97.

Jaguara水电站经营权13年8月到期后, cig 认为根据相关法律可以经营权自动延期
The Company opted not to request extension of the generation concessions that expire within the period 2013 to 2017. For the plants that would have had a first extension before PM 579, which include the Jaguara, São Simão and Miranda plants, the Company believes that Generation Concession Contract 007/1997 allows for the extension of the concession of those plants for an additional 20 years, without application of any additional restriction.

We obtained an injunction provision, still in force, to keep the commercial exploitation of UHE Jaguara until this injunction is dismissed. On December 31, 2013, we have assessed the chance of loss as “possible”, considering it is a leading case in the discussion of the judiciary on the extension of concessions.

Jaguara 发电能力423mw, 占CIG 7.7GW的 5.5%。类似的情况还包括2个São Simão (1,710mw,1/2015到期) 和 Miranda (408mw,12/2016 到期)。 三者占尽1/3发电量。关于这3个水电的下一步,应该是 需要和政府重新谈判。 ceo在1季度会议里也谈到他和部长有个人直接接触

2015-06-25 10:39


2015-06-25 06:04

Thanks for the information

2015-06-25 05:18

