andyding 的讨论

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Elon Musk这样评价Lucid和Rivian,正在走向破产,按照此标准,蔚小理更危险:$蔚来(NIO)$ 

“Unless something changes significantly with Rivian and Lucid, they will both go bankrupt. They are tracking to bankruptcy.

I hope they are able to do something. Unless they cut their costs dramatically they are in deep trouble and will end up in the cemetery like every other car company with the exception of Tesla and Ford,” Musk added.


经济学家的文章,总结$特斯拉(TSLA)$ 的成功经验,没提到$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ ,其实比亚迪做的比特斯拉做的更早更绝,一张关键的图:

Elon Musk这样评价Lu


2022-06-15 09:51

Elon Musk同时说:  $比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $小鹏汽车(XPEV)$ 

"Solving Full really the difference between Tesla being worth a lot of money and being worth basically zero."

$特斯拉(TSLA)$ 必须全力以赴的无人驾驶有多难?风险有多大?所以一直的判断必须像长征一样又长又难。

2022-06-16 19:09

特斯拉 的估值很大一部分来自对无人驾驶的期望在里面,但也不可能占比超过一半吧?所以说这两天媒体把Elon Musk说的“绝对的焦点是能否解决完全自动驾驶问题。这是至关重要的。这真的能决定特斯拉到底是价值不菲还是一文不值。”绝对化了,基于Tesla Vision的L5无人驾驶前途光明,道阻且长:$特斯拉(TSLA)$ $比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 

A major part of real-world AI has to be solved to make unsupervised, generalized full self-driving work, as the entire road system is designed for biological neural nets with optical imagers。

"The road system was designed to work with biological neural nets & eyes, so a general solution to self-driving necessarily will require silicon neural nets & cameras. Real-World AI." 

 “Humans drive with eyes & biological neural nets, so makes sense that cameras & silicon neural nets are the only way to achieve a generalized solution to self-driving."

"We built the team from scratch and have been developing what we think is probably the most advanced real-world AI in the world," Musk said. "Certainly, we appear to be able to use things with full self-driving that others cannot."

 "there is no guarantee that any incremental changes in the specific equipment we deploy in our vehicles over time will not result in initial functional disparities from prior iterations or will perform as expected in the timeframe we anticipate, or at all,"

2022-06-15 09:56

表格里的分项应该是芯片和电池吧?我看丰田 比亚迪 特斯拉都是五分。丰田电车好像中国市场没动静…

2022-06-15 09:52

不过是燃油车,看起来燃油车和新能源汽车本质是一样的,制造业属性都非常强,至少现阶段;当然新能源汽车科技软件属性越来越强。$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$

2022-06-15 09:48
