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回复@unite_zhao: @RanRan 兄的翻译,很精确,我对比啦英文原文。

Kraft Heinz is still doing very well, operationally. But we paid too much. If we paid 50 billion, you know, it would’ve been a different business. It’d still be earning the same amount.

You can turn any investment into a bad deal by paying too much. What you can’t do is turn any investment into a good deal by paying little, which is sort of how I started out in this world.

But the idea of buying the cigar butts that are declining or poor businesses for a bargain price is not something that we try to do anymore. We try to buy good businesses at a decent price. And we made a mistake on the Kraft part of Kraft Heinz. Charlie?
卡夫亨氏整个交易中,我们买入卡夫那部分的价格太高了。实际上,与过去相比,卡夫亨氏的经营情况得到了改善,只是我们买贵了。……假设我们出 500 亿美元的大价钱买下卡夫亨氏,它本身该赚多少还是多少。好公司,买得太贵,能变成烂投资;烂公司,买得很便宜,未必能变成好投资。我刚开始做投资的时候,是以很便宜的价格捡烟头,买那些走下坡路的烂公司。我们早不这么干了。我们现在是以好价格买好公司。//@unite_zhao:回复@unite_zhao:We will buy stock when we think it is selling below a conservative estimate of its intrinsic value. Now, the intrinsic value is not a specific point, it’s probably a range in my mind that might have a band maybe of 10 percent. Charlie would have a band in his mind, and it would probably be 10 percent. And ours would not be identical, but they’d be very close. And sometimes he might figure a bit higher than I do, a bit lower.

我们保守地估算一只股票的内在价值,只在股价低于内在价值时买入。内在价值不是一个具体的数字,在我头脑中,伯克希尔的内在价值是个区间,或许高低值相差 10% 左右。在查理的头脑中,应该也有个区间,或许也是个 10% 左右的区间。我俩的估值不完全相同,但会很接近。他的估值可能比我的略高一些,也可能略低一些。
@RanRan 谢谢您,我找啦好久,这次终于找到啦:巴菲特的定义。
2019-05-08 21:03
Q 1:……我想问一个关于伯克希尔的股票回购的问题。去年第三季度,您投入了 10 亿美元,以每股 207 美元的平均价回购伯克希尔 B 股。然而,从去年 12 月 26 日到今年 4 月 11 日,这四个月里,伯克希尔的 B 股股价一直在 207 美元以下徘徊,您却没怎么回购,伯克希尔的账上可是躺着 1120 亿美元的...


2019-05-10 22:48
