携程一季度净亏损54亿元 住宿预订下降62% 交通票务下降29%

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原标题:携程一季度净亏损54亿元 住宿预订下降62% 交通票务下降29% 5月29日,携程网发布了截至2020年3月31日的第一季度未经审计财报,财报期间,该公司一季度净营收为47亿元,同比下降42%,与上一季度相比下降43%;归属于公司股东的净亏损... 网页链接


2020-05-29 14:08


2020-05-29 10:39


2020-05-29 15:26

$携程(TCOM)$ 一季度只是预演,二季度目前预测下跌67%-77%,才是真惨。 As a result of the continued negative impact due to COVID-19 in the second quarter of 2020, the Company expects net revenue to decrease by approximately 67% to 77% year-over-year for the second quarter of 2020. This forecast reflects the current and preliminary view based on best information available at the time, which is subject to change.