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上峰水泥:关于增加临时提案暨召开 2023年第二次临时股东大会通知的补充公告 网页链接


2023-07-12 20:36

Let me introduce a person to you. Our company has a highly respected old employee who, although old, has very strong abilities. He is the core employee that everyone talks about. He comes to work first, leaves at the latest, and puts his limited life into unlimited work. His spirit of love, dedication, and sacrifice is worth learning from. He is dedicated to his work, completely disregarding his family, and no one can stop him from working. There was once a time when he was a goose egg big Hailstones fell from the sky, and he just put a lotus leaf on his head and ran to work. His head was all smashed, and he said that work was all he had. He was our best employee, old stick$上证指数(SH000001)$ $上峰水泥(SZ000672)