展讯通信第一季净利润2430万美元 同比下滑12%

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新浪科技讯 北京时间5月4日凌晨消息,展讯通信(Nasdaq:SPRD)今天发布了截至3月31日的2012财年第一季度财报。报告显示, 展讯通信第一季度总营收为1.611亿美元,同比增长17.5%,比上一季度下滑16.2%;净利润2430万美元,去年同期为2750万美元,同比... 网页链接


2012-05-04 17:27

李力游在季报中又强调了他们的智能机//Our smartphone platform is now commercially available and we expect to ship more than one million units in the second quarter. Our customers are targeting a $50-100 retail segment through both China Mobile and open market channels. In addition, we secured a significant number of design wins in the premium smartphone segment for our TD-SCDMA basebands. In TD-SCDMA, we expect the overall market for both feature phones and smartphones to grow to approximately 80-90 million units, with the majority of shipments in the second half of the year. @申文风

2012-05-04 06:39

【展讯通信Q1业绩】1、总营收为1.611亿美元,同比增长17.5%;2、净利润2430万美元,同比下滑11.6%;3、毛利润6130万美元,去年同期为5790万美元,毛利率为38.0%,去年同期为42.2%;4、预计Q2营收1.70亿到1.75亿美元,毛利率约37% (新浪科技)网页链接 营收和利润均超预期,该股盘后大涨15%