Intellia Therapeutics(NTLA.US)和再生元(REGN.US)联合宣布CRISPR首个临床试验结果公布

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智通财经APP获悉,美东时间6月26日,Intellia Therapeutics(NTLA.US)和再生元(REGN.US)公司联合宣布,在研CRISPR体内基因组编辑疗法NTLA-2001在1期临床试验中获得积极结果。单剂NTLA-2001导致血清中的转甲状腺素蛋白水平(TTR)平均下降87... 网页链接


2021-06-29 06:13

Licensed the CRISPR gene editing technology from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. CRISPR is a component of the ʎPEXTM mAb discovery and production platform technology.
Entered into a ʎPEX out-licensing and product discovery agreement with Kermode Biotechnologies, Inc. on vaccines and mAbs for zoonotic viruses, which are animal viruses that have the ability to infect humans and potentially lead to a viral pandemic.

2021-06-27 17:52

期待超级战士的诞生,超级血清投入到军事上,oh yeah

2021-06-27 11:44


2021-06-27 11:07
