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$BioNTech(BNTX)$ 在Yahoo Finance 上看到有人就辉瑞CEO给员工的公开信的分析,感觉挺有道理,搬运过来。辉瑞CEO的公开信在这里:


Yahoo finance上那位大神的分析原文在下面。其中心思想总结成两句话就是:这封公开信其实并不是写给辉瑞员工的,而是写给公众与媒体的。作为辉瑞的CEO,其写这么一封公开信的底气在于他一定已经看到了正面的数据。

Cuta4 hours ago

As I already mentioned, and from my experience of many years as a trader, I consider the psychological analysis of CEO statements to be VERY HIGHLY RELEVANT in periods where there is already a high probability that they have information on trial results in progress. A VERY IMPORTANT letter has come out from the Pfizer CEO, and of course I have analyzed it psychologically, because that person ALREADY HAS INFECTION READINGS IN HIS POWER and therefore, he writes the letter with that information in his mind. The letter is an ALLEGATION of JUSTIFICATION for accelerating the development and approval of the vaccine. No CEO in the world who had disappointing results from his vaccine would write that letter, because in it he seems to be justifying almost in every paragraph all the effort made, and the need to use the vaccine to fight the virus, and also criticizes political use partisan of the approval or delay of the vaccine. Bourla constantly uses the past to justify the circumstances of a present known only to him. In my opinion, this letter is written by someone who takes 100% approval of your vaccine for granted. The letter IS NOT WRITTEN TO EMPLOYEES, even if that is said, it is only an excuse, it is written to the general public and the media. It is a clear message to justify what is coming: the premature approval of the vaccine. He wrote: “Now, we are approaching our goal and despite not having any political considerations with our pre-announced date, we find ourselves in the crucible of the U.S. Presidential election, ”.

He already knows that the mission has been completed. This letter is just a set of arguments, a discourse, with the intention of justifying and convincing the public and media.


2020-10-04 01:46




2020-12-27 22:16


2020-10-05 22:08


2020-10-04 10:04
