数据隐私的影响比预期大 | Facebook2019Q4财报分析

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We expect our year-over-year total reported revenue growth rate in Q1 to decelerate by a low to mid-single-digit percentage point as compared to our Q4 growth rate. Factors driving this deceleration include the maturity of our business as well as the increasing impact from global privacy regulation and other ad targeting-related headwinds. While we have experienced some modest impact from these headwinds to date, the majority of the impact lies in front of us.

David Wehner - CFO


Yes, we are seeing headwinds in terms of targeting and measurement. But as I noted, the majority of that impact lies in front of us. Just as a reminder, we utilize signals from user activity on third-party website and services in order to deliver relevant and effective ads to our users. And in that regard, there are sort of three overlying factors that I'd point to, and I spoke to these on prior calls as well.

First, the recent regulatory initiatives like GDPR and now CCPA have impacted, and we expect they'll continue to impact our ability to use such signals.

Secondly, mobile operating systems and browser providers such as Apple and Google have announced product changes and future plans that will limit our ability to use those signals.

And then finally, we've made our own product changes that gives users the ability to limit our use of such data signals to improve ads and other experiences. And there I'd point to something like the rollout of off-Facebook activity controls, and that's at 100% today.

So, each of these factors limits our ability to target and measure the effectiveness of ads on our platform, and that can negatively impact our advertising revenue growth.

David Wehner - CFO



Facebook目前的4产品(Facebook、Instagram、WhatsApp、Messenger)融合计划,支付计划,Instagram Checkout购物等都是应对新隐私环境的产品举措,但现在都还太早期,不能对收入有实质性的贡献。Facebook的收入增速低迷,看来要维持一段时间了。

We Are Family(伐木累)

Facebook从2019Q4开始公布Family App的日活人数和月活人数数据。

2019Q4 Family月活人数28.9亿,日活人数22.6亿,DAP/MAP为78%。





On April 1, 2015, a putative class action was filed against us in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California by Facebook users alleging that the "tag suggestions" facial recognition feature violates the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, and seeking statutory damages and injunctive relief.

On April 16, 2018, the district court certified a class of Illinois residents, and on May 14, 2018, the district court denied both parties' motions for summary judgment.

On May 29, 2018, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit granted our petition for review of the class certification order and stayed the proceeding.

On August 8, 2019, the Ninth Circuit affirmed the class certification order.

On December 2, 2019, we filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court seeking review of the decision of the Ninth Circuit, which was denied.

On January 15, 2020, the parties agreed to a settlement in principle to resolve the lawsuit, which will require a payment of $550 million by us and is subject to approval by the court.










文:小丸子 / 微信号: 一颗财丸(yikecaiwan)

@今日话题 @Ricky


2020-01-31 23:26
