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$KB Home(KBH)$ $Lennar(LEN)$ $霍夫纳尼安(HOV)$ The Fannie Mae Home Purchase Sentiment Index increased 2.7 points in November to 91.5, reversing October's decline and approaching the survey high set in August.Three of the six HPSI components rose M/M, including large increases in the percentage of Americans who believe it's a good time to buy and that home prices will go up over the next 12 months.The lean supply, especially in the starter home market, "means the recent mortgage rate decline – holding payment size constant – allows borrowers to increase bid prices for homes," said Doug Duncan, Fannie's senior vice president and chief economist. "As a result, home prices are propelled higher, mitigating the benefit of lower borrowing costs for many borrowers."Duncan also notes that a rising savings rate may indicate that consumers are becoming more financially conservative."Looking ahead, we continue to expect a steady but modest pace of growth in home purchase activity," he added.