第三弹 Jim Rogers Talks Markets

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2016: The Year Ahead
Probably farmland somewhere, especially in China. In North Korea would be even better than in China. It is very, very exciting what is happening in North Korea. So, Jade, Gold and farmland.

Gold & Silver Will Continue To Be Under Pressure
The U.S. Dollar is going to go higher as the turmoil increases worldwide. As the Dollar goes higher, gold and silver will probably continue to be under pressure, they often have historically, not always.

Commodity Producers: The Cure For Low Prices Is Low Prices
The market is doing what it is supposed to do. You know, making supply go down. The cure for low prices is low prices.When you have low prices, production declines, exploration declines and it is happening.

Certainly if war breaks out in the world that will make gold go up, it will make crude oil go up. Everything will go up, oil, agriculture, gold. Yes, a crisis would be bullish for gold as low prices would be good for gold. (


Precious Metals: Where I Might Start Buying
At 900 dollars an ounce for Gold and in Silver around 11 or 10 dollars. I do not even know if they are going to get there, but if they do, that would be where I would be interested in buying. (Regarding Gold), I might even start buying before at 950 dollars per ounce.
