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The biggest thing that the 84.51° insight shows us is the customer decides where to shop based on their total experience. And obviously that total experience is what’s the shopping environment like, so what’s how the associates treat the customer. What kind of rewards do you have, what type of personalized offers are you making, which is very hard for anybody to see that other than each one of us as a customer individually. And then, obviously from fresh product standpoint having great produce, meat, deli, dinner tonight, these kind of things. So, the thing that’s really important is the all of that together, the price, the specific price items, really each one of us would have different items that are in our biggest hot button. So, it would be factoring in all of those things in terms of how we decide where to price and how to price. And the insights, the biggest part of the insights is, it really is important to customers for their over total experience not just one dimension of the experience.