丫牛l6x 的讨论

发布于: 雪球回复:0喜欢:0
我没有要赢,就是出于好奇,就是觉得观点无对错太反直觉,就是觉得研究这个熟悉又陌生的东西很解压,我还喜欢看时间空间本质,量子力学,还有数学难题科普文章…。网络上,我讨论问题基本按Critical thinking来的。诡辩算不上吧。
我现在偷懒了,Google一下,观点的定义:In contrast to facts, which are accurate statements, an opinion is a judgment, point of view, or statement that is not definitive.
Yes, opinions despite being your personal view can be wrong.
Opinions are incorrect when they conflict with known facts. If the foundation for an opinion is illogical, it may prove to be false. Logically speaking, some opinions are worse than others.
Of course, opinions can be accurate or inaccurate. Any opinion one has about a truth that can be objectively verified is either true or untrue. Still, no one can force you to change your personal convictions or opinions since they are your own.