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我猜AI芯片就是专门用于人工智能训练或者其他人工智能计算任务的芯片?一般的通用芯片( general-purpose chips)不太能够胜任,所以要提高芯片对于AI任务的专业性而降低通用性,AI芯片就产生了。
附百度百科对AI芯片的定义:AI芯片也被称为AI加速器或计算卡,即专门用于处理人工智能应用中的大量计算任务的模块(其他非计算任务仍由CPU负责)。 当前,AI芯片主要分为GPU 、FPGA 、ASIC。
关于为什么通用芯片不太胜任:. This enormous computational power is delivered by computer chips that not only pack the maximum number of transistors—basic computational devices that can be switched between on (1) and off (0) states—but also are tailor-made to efficiently perform specific calculations required by AI systems. Such leading-edge, specialized “AI chips” are essential for cost-effectively implementing AI at scale; trying to deliver the same AI application using older AI chips or general-purpose chips can cost tens to thousands of times more.