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You're either at the table, or on the menu.

这句话的出处不可考,我估计就是一句市井街口都会说的俗话,当然,很多人说是Al Capone的口头禅,把出处引向了Al Capone。
Al Capone是谁,阿尔卡彭,可能是美国历史上名气最大的黑帮头子。
这句话的意思其实很简单,弱肉强食,你要么在餐桌上吃肉,要么就成为菜单里的肉,二选一。这有啥可以歧义的?"You're either at the table or on the menu" is implying that you are either sitting properly at the table ready to eat. Or you will "be eaten" 。
有人说you are at the table是在桌上谈判的意思,意思是你不谈判就会被吃掉。我想说,你可真能洗。阿尔卡彭对你说,兄弟,你不谈判,我就吃了你。


陈达美股投资02-23 14:36

look at that guy

陈达美股投资02-23 14:57


AaronC202002-23 14:29

兄弟,你已经说了这句话的出处不可考,那就不能直接参照传言把Al Capone的解释放上来了。另外,参照布林肯的上下文也不可能有这个意思啊:From the start of this administration, we’ve made an investment, a reinvestment, in our alliances, in our partnerships, and in the multilateral system. We’ve reinvested, we’ve re-engaged, we’ve tried to rejuvenate, we’ve even reimagined. And the reason for that is simple: it’s because it’s in our interest to do it. Not a single one of the challenges that we have to face and that are so important to the interests of the American people can we effectively deal with alone, as powerful and as resourceful as we are. And so across the board, we’ve seen our comparative advantage as having a strong network of voluntary alliances, voluntary partnerships. And if you’re not at the table in the international system, you’re going to be on the menu. So it was very important for us to re-engage multilaterally, and we’ve done that.自本届政府上任以来,我们在我们的联盟、伙伴关系和多边体系中进行了投资和再投资。我们重新投资,重新参与,努力振兴,甚至重新构想。而这样做的原因很简单:因为这符合我们的利益。我们必须面对的挑战没有一项是可以独自有效处理的,尽管我们实力雄厚、资源丰富。因此,在各个领域,我们认识到我们的比较优势在于拥有一个强大的自愿联盟网络和自愿伙伴关系。And if you’re not at the table in the international system, you’re going to be on the menu. (如果你不在国际体系中参与,你就会成为被动接受的对象。)因此,我们重新参与多边合作对我们来说非常重要,而我们已经做到了。 【整体上还是要打消欧洲盟友对特朗普的孤立主义的顾虑,说明继续参与国际事务符合美国利益】

鸟宿池边树02-23 14:15


林本木02-23 16:00



02-23 14:18


不用找啥出处,布卿意思很crystal, no need to read between the lines

02-23 15:33


eating or eaten

02-23 21:09


02-23 16:07

Leave the gun. Take the cannol.

02-23 15:46


02-23 15:38

卡彭这个意思也是:你要是不跟我一起就要被干掉,而不是你不干掉我我就要干掉你。的确condescending但不是social Darwinism。也很像那句“如果你不是消费者,那你就是产品”

02-23 15:29


at table是吃饭吧