缓慢加速 的讨论

发布于: 雪球回复:0喜欢:46
查了一下原文,这一段是他在慕尼黑安全会议期间跟德国和意大利外长出席论坛时的开场白,强调基于自愿的同盟关系和多边国际合作的重要性:From the start of this administration, we’ve made an investment, a reinvestment, in our alliances, in our partnerships, and in the multilateral system. We’ve reinvested, we’ve re-engaged, we’ve tried to rejuvenate, we’ve even reimagined. And the reason for that is simple: it’s because it’s in our interest to do it. Not a single one of the challenges that we have to face and that are so important to the interests of the American people can we effectively deal with alone, as powerful and as resourceful as we are. And so across the board, we’ve seen our comparative advantage as having a strong network of voluntary alliances, voluntary partnerships. And if you’re not at the table in the international system, you’re going to be on the menu. So it was very important for us to re-engage multilaterally, and we’ve done that.
目前网上流传的断章取义来自俄国卫星通讯社,原文参见State dept的官网网页链接