郁闷的鞋套- 的讨论

发布于: 雪球回复:82喜欢:20


看什么英文原文,我是直接看了听了整个会议好吗。就是因为在美国这么多年,让我知道on the menu or on the table是一个成语,有既定的意思,你怎么洗,也没用。

I'll come quickly to your question um from the start of this Administration we've made an investment
a reinvestment in our alliances in our Partnerships and in the multilateral
system uh We've reinvested we've re-engaged we tried to rejuvenate we've even reimagined and the reason for that
is simple it's because it's it's in our interest to do it not a single one of the challenges that we have to face and
that are so important to the interest of the American people can we effectively deal with alone as powerful as
resourceful as we are uh and so across the board we've seen our comparative
advantage as having a strong network of voluntary alliances voluntary Partnerships and if you're not at the
table in the International System you're going to be on the menu so it was very important for us to re-engage
multilaterally and we've done that when it comes to strategic competition and
there's no doubt that we have one with China there are a few things to be said first we have an obligation to manage
that relationship responsibly and I think that's something that we hear from countries around the world and it's
clearly on interest to do so and that's exactly what President Biden is doing and when it comes to other countries the
point is not to say to Country X Y or Z you have to choose the point is to offer
offer a good choice and if we can do that uh and I believe we can and we have
and will continue uh then I think the choice becomes fairly self-evident um
over the last six or seven months um we have
engaged sub in a sustainable way with uh with China I just met my counterpart
wangi here in Munich uh but that follows a series of uh of meetings notably most
importantly President Biden and president shei uh and I think we brought G stability to the relationship uh not uh moving away from
ignoring the fact that yes we have a competition there are areas where we are contesting each other but there are also
areas where we can and should cooperate







