4/10 Recap

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$爱克龙药业(AKRX)$ $美国转运交通公司(SWFT)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$ AXON

clean pattern, clean move, should have wait longer for the pull back reshort. 

L2 Offer showed a head fake on first entry, took me twice to get right. Morning emotion profit taking.

What happen when is not Working? You CUT period. 

Tip: If the stock market only goes UP or DOWN in term of direction. Not SE, NW, NE, SW. So it is only 2 way direction in general. theoretically u have 50% for up, 50% for down.Would you rather to play the"Odds" in the long 50% chances. or  Would you rather to play both side and having Higher "odd" in the over all market.