3-1 复盘P2

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$劳氏(LOW)$ $德纳维制药(DVAX)$ 今天SPY 一路向北,很久没全红了,今天是个好的教训也是提醒。When u r on a hot strike for a while u need some red days to calm u down. Taking lost r all part of the game. Just make sure keep ur losers small compare with ur winners. 平时赚前不发PL , 亏钱一定要发。 问: 为什么? 答:从心里学角度上讲, most ppl feel more satisfied by watching other ppl fall rather than success. 本人也是,所以特此满足大众欲望[大笑]

Frist entry ws perfect, break rule #1 should have take profit on the first spik, again it never retest HOD again. Hold all day kind stuborn cut.

Earning play, huge gap on daily chart since it is a low float it has potenial to run if it wants to run. Guess today is not the day. Didin't work out so cut.

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