2/17/2017 美股复盘part 1

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$英伟达(NVDA)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$ $通用磨坊(GIS)$ 今天交易,right now it is like 2 PM EST such a slow market today, SPY pretty much range all day. 

GIS came out on our scan during pre-m. Entry 不错,ADD 也没问题,单子很重。以为能直接breakdown 59.50ish 没想到hold 住了,后来来了一个Higher Lower HL, which i hate the most, 最后一口气就下来。方向判断对了,可惜没按我的计划走,small gain out

TSLA morning pop testing previous close which is the white line, then get into short covered some at  fist dip. I had a feeling this could be a double top, but i just dont feel comfortable when price retest my entry point, so took it off, once it came back down again reshort, target was LOD which was 264.50, but it hold up again, so all out 267.

连跌两天,其实应该想到,今天是Friday又是long weekend, 应该不会有大动作。但看到Trend 往下走,单子又重,就试着在105.50 进了,之所以没在105 lock in some profit, 我就是想说看看能不能破105,还是hold住了,最后stop out.



2017-02-18 03:05
