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$京西国际(02339)$ 新廠房設在Škoda的故鄉...


2015-05-19 02:07

BWI Europe expects a 6.7% earnings CAGR growth from 2015 to 2019, whichwill be facilitated by a new Czech production plant which is expected to be onlineby 2017. According to current plans, Production capacity in Poland will grow fromcurrent 9.5mn suspension component units to over 10mn units by 2016, Chinacapacity from 1.2mn units to 2mn in near term. The UK and US facilities willcontinue to produce 2mn sets suspension and 8mn suspension component unitsrespectively.

出處: 网页链接(2339%20HK)%20A%20Chinese-owned%20Global%20Auto%20Parts%20Leader%20with%20a%20strong%20product%20-%20%20NR.pdf