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$Opko健康(OPK)$ 最新消息:OPK开始和纽约合作做抗体测试,抗体测试在5月份一天可以测试40万人,OPK的抗体测试被FDA approve 了,准确率95%

OPKO Health's BioReference Laboratories in Partnership with New York State Initiates Testing for COVID-19 Antibodies. BioReference began antibody testing last week with a focus on testing its employees. This week, BioReference launches COVID-19 antibody testing nationwide and is working expeditiously to be able to test 400,000 patients per day by mid-May.Blood antibody tests offered by BioReference are performed on high-throughput instruments, have been validated for sensitivity and specificity, have been reviewed by appropriate state Departments of Health and are registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


2020-04-30 02:39
