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$Fitbit(FIT)$ 用小P刚接受采访说过的话勉励那些还坚持持有此股的兄弟姐妹 [大笑] “We believe we are uniquely positioned to succeed in delivering what consumers are looking for in a smartwatch: stylish, well-designed devices that combine the right general purpose functionality with a focus on health and fitness” 我只能说 I think so! Yes, U can [俏皮] 坐等新款智能手表发布吧。财报前谨慎投资,不再追加Fit股票,反正现有的就算小赌怡情了。最后引用徐志摩那句名言,“得之我幸,不得我命。”


2017-02-21 19:53

2017-02-21 01:23

我坚信一点,智能手机在三到五年内取代传统电子表可能性极大,市场份额会接近机械表… 当然是否Fit到时能分一大杯羹,这点我不敢确定,尤其是小P在CEO的位置上