发布于: 雪球转发:3回复:11喜欢:0
回复 @alexnyang: 不要谢啦!愚以为,朋友就是来帮挑毛病的, 不是来唱颂歌的. 我对它那么大的交易量有怀疑, 还好找到了问题所在,所以在核对了企业名称地址后报告您. $香格里拉藏药(TBET)$的实体已事实破产, 拍卖会门票是600万一张, TBET的股东就啥都没有了, 悲哀啊.//@alexnyang:回复@常平心: It is too bad! But the good things are: 1. 小 赌一下. 2. you helped me to sell it early , so it is just little loss at it.. thanks again!
2012-02-25 01:52
I bought some 香格里拉藏药 (TBET) at 0.76.
Total Cash (mrq): 25.96M
Total Cash Per Share (mrq): 1.75
Total Debt (mrq): 0.00
Total Debt/Equity (mrq): N/A
Book Value Per Share (mrq): 3.18
0.76 ...


2012-03-08 12:20

回复@常平心: 居然在拍卖中?有云南的同学们去这个药厂逛逛吧。买张机票当去度假也好。这个私有化真是,无语了。

2012-02-29 03:54

回复@常平心: 所以 这个是假消息?

2012-02-27 23:51

回复@常平心: 这风向转太快了吧

2012-02-25 06:30

Good job!
It is still hard for me to understand why the IPO cash $16.5Million (2011年1月25日,香格里拉藏药宣布将公开发行 3,000,000 股普通股,发行价5.5美元...)can disappear in one year .
It is hard for 小股东调研上市公司.14-Nov-2011 Quarterly Report:"
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand and cash in time deposits, certificates of deposit and all highly liquid debt instruments with original maturities of three months or less. At September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010, cash and cash equivalents totals were $25,959,333 and $7,579,281, respectively. The September 30, 2011 total reflects the receipt of proceeds of the Company's January 24, 2011 initial public offering ("IPO") of three million shares of its common stock at an offering price of $5.50."

2012-02-25 05:36

赞,可惜没有options, short不知道有没有借到股票的可能