What a lovely day! Stay cautious

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On Wednesday,
$苹果(AAPL)$    up 5.7%
$Facebook(FB)$    up 5%
$谷歌(GOOG)$    up 8%
$亚马逊(AMZN)$    up 7.4%
$微软(MSFT)$    up 5.5%
$埃克森美孚(XOM)$    up 5.5%
$摩根大通(JPM)$    up 5%
$耐克(NKE)$    up 5%

It really hurts, but the bull is still breathing. 
Remember, keep breathing, that's the key. 

(pic credit: Julian)

Stay cautious and hope we can break out of the correction zone and go back uptrend.

(pic credit: Antony Filippo)

On Thursday, the GDP data looks solid and the reaction of the market is positive. We had a breakout and retested the former resistance of the correction zone and rebounded sucessfully. Things start to get back on the right track now.

(pic credit: Antony Filippo)
$标普500指数ETF-SPDR(SPY)$ $纳斯达克综合指数(NASDAQ)$


2015-08-27 07:50


2015-08-27 04:34

Breath and you will ride eternal, shiny and chrome.