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$谷歌(GOOG)$    has 11% revenue growth and its mkt cap jumped more than 16% in the following trading day.
$苹果(AAPL)$    has 32.5% revenue growth and it lost 8% of its mkt cap in less than  3 minutes . 

One more thing. AAPL always reports GAAP numbers in earning report and GOOG only reports non-GAAP numbers in earning report (FYI, non-GAAP number is always much bigger than GAAP number). 

Who is the darling and who is the poster child? [摊手]

Caveat Emptor:
Major tech that reports GAAP numbers also include: $微软(MSFT)$   , $英特尔(INTC)$   , etc.
Other major tech players who only reports non-GAAP numbers are: $Facebook(FB)$    $Twitter(TWTR)$    $Netflix(NFLX)$   , $亚马逊(AMZN)$  , $LinkedIn(LNKD)$   etc.

No opinion and comment on any name mentioned above, just list some facts here.

If you are interested in this, you may also want to check this out:


Good luck to all.


2015-07-22 11:24


2015-07-22 10:02

因为谷歌的生意模式更安全 谷歌即使打一年酱油明年赚的钱也差不多。 但是苹果需要持续不断的创新,即使iphone销量持续增长的情况下2013 相比2012的eps都有负增长 可见苹果的生意模式风险多大。

2015-07-22 09:51

just follow the trend , man . just follow the trend

2015-07-22 09:48

Cuz hardware is not as sexy as software/cloud。

2015-07-22 09:30
