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$Groupon(GRPN)$ 的payment情况:1/3 - 1/3 - 1/3 ,即5天付一次、30天再付一次、剩下部分60天再付一次。

example: I’ll pay you $21,000. You get $7,000 in about 5 days, another $7,000 in 30 days and the remainder in 60 days. In exchange, you’ll give my customers cheap products for the next year.

Groupon will pay Merchant $[X] for each Voucher properly activated for which a purchaser has fully paid Groupon, less a 2.5% of total sales credit card processing fee (the “Remittance Amount”) in accordance with this paragraph. ... Groupon shall forward one-third of the Remittance Amount to Merchant within five (5) business days from the Run Date (as that term is defined in Section 1.2 of the Merchant Agreement), an additional one-third within thirty (30) business days of the Run Date, and the final one-third within sixty (60) business days of the Run Date. Amounts retained by Groupon are compensation to Groupon for the service of advertising and selling the Groupons for Merchant.

@klukoff @李妍