用户6494876194 的讨论

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网页链接  列举了一些特斯拉的护城河,我们可以判断这些护城河是是否加宽了,是否符合方丈的逻辑,即越多人用越好用,越好用越多人用。主要有——* Moats: Mall Stores, Direct Sales;* Moats: Connected Cars, OTA Updates, Refreshed SW keeps cars relevant;* Moat: Ownership of customer experience, No margin sharing;* Moats: Strong technology and financial partnership with a behemoth;* Moats: First Mover Advantage, home field advantage, defacto standard;* Moats: Devoted fan base, dedicated brand, free from historic stains, free fan-based marketing;* Moats: Access to SpaceX’s advanced materials scientists. Access to cross promotions. Possible highly affordable connected car internet service; * Moat: Desirable employer;* Moats: Vehicle design, vehicle engineering, product margin;* Moats: Talented in-house software engineering (see recruiting talent above);* Moats: Massive fleet of fully instrumented cars;* Moats: Building thousands of Supercharging locations is time and capital intensive. Network ease of use & reliability. Revenue stream from ‘fueling’ vehicles;* Moats: Vast network of workplace and destination charging stations;* Moats: Biggest battery factory in the world, with more coming. Significant capital expenditure;* Moats: Investor expectation of growth rather than quarterly profits;* Moats: Media attention, Ability to raise capital;* Moats: None yet, but maybe Dreadnaught 3.0 will make the manufacturing world take notice;