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2018-09-26 22:35


DHX Media (or the "Company") (TSX :DHX ,NASDAQ :DHXM ), announced today that the Special Committee of its Board of Directors has concluded its Strategic Review. As part of the Strategic Review, the Company has signed a multi-million-dollar agency agreement for Peanuts in China and Asia with CAA Global Brand Management Group LLP, a division of Global Brands Group ("CAA-GBG") (HK: 787), which follows the previously announced sale of a minority stake in Peanuts to Sony for $235.6 million (US$178.0 million). The Company also announces that it has refocused its content strategy to prioritize investment in WildBrain, and the development of premium content for major streaming services and broadcasters.

2018-09-24 10:32

这件事冯家一定会做的。其实我一直觉得,出售美国业务,并非利标最优选择。引入国内产业资本持股,第一,减债,其二 助力国内产业资本开拓国外市场,同时可借其渠道开拓国内市场。其协同效应不可小视。从利邦的运作来看,冯家在国内是有资源的。为什么冯家没有这样做,绝不是他们想不到,他们的商业智慧一定远超我们这些小散的。我猜主要原因是冯家不愿放弃对利标的控制,这是冯家重要的战略资源,这也是我一直放心持有的重要原因,大股东都死死拿住不放,我们急什么。冯家一定会投放资源做好利标的。