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$中星微电子(VIMC)$ 提交的13E里面有Duff&Phelps的评估报告来说明价格的合理性。溢价比行业平均低那么多,股东不打算集体诉讼独立委员会?他们独立吗?和买家有利益输出吗?


2015-10-24 07:04

已经计划在今年完成私有化, 在香港置地广场 告罗士打大厦 开股东大会.

居然说昝圣达是在今年七月中才有兴趣加入私有化的, 从头就是一起密谋的. 私有化集团一共持有42.8%的股份. 在昝圣达增发前, 他们只有不到20%.

不到20%的管理层也能搞定私有化. 没有公司是安全的.


You are cordially invited to attend an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Vimicro International Corporation (the “Company”) to be held on             , 2015 at          a.m. (Hong Kong Time). The meeting will be held at 26th Floor, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

In early to mid-July 2015, the Chairman Mr. Deng and Mr. Jin held preliminary discussions with Mr. Zan, the beneficial owner of Alpha Spring, the largest shareholder of the Company, to explore the feasibility of a possible going private transaction of the Company and the financing for such a transaction. Mr. Zan expressed interest in participating in further discussions involving the potential transaction.

As of the date of this proxy statement, the Rollover Shareholders, including certain of our directors and management members, beneficially owned approximately 42.8% of our issued and outstanding Shares. Please see “Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management of the Company” beginning on page 80 for additional information.