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回复@西风投资: yelp, fb all beautiful, z has potential too, if NQ ER beats a couple of quarters with international revenue growth in particular, gaining some visibility, it may achieve at least qihu status. right now, nq is a little cute guy but not sturdy , shorts and market makers can punch him without too much risk of being getting punched back by longs//@西风投资:回复@hydream:17的成本不低啊,我最低的成本9.4,最高的22.8,都跑了。等在20,看看是否有机会i
2013-10-01 07:41
$网秦(NQ)$ 连续下跌,是正常回调,我是继续持有,别的朋友是否撤退靠自己判断。回答几个具体问题:1大市。美股现在位置确实很高,中概群前一阵儿没跟着涨,各因素综合,还是安全的。2国债危机。花街和国会山的事情不多讲了,反正美国经济已经度过最危险的时期,奥巴马也没有玩儿自己的爱好。3网秦...