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回复@yijunprc: agree; I try to figure out NQ's business model:  I feel NQ is somewhat coping QIHU's business model internationally, using "free" security/virus software to get customers into its mobile platform composed of games, searching, etc//@yijunprc:回复@phymath888:I still not get it why compare NQ with qihu so seriously? My company IT listed about 15 qualified security products(eachbfrom different company) for us to install into home PC to access company intranet. and none of them is chineses product. What that means to me: what a huge and diversified market it is. How come qihu and nq( a tiny billion dollar company with security as just part of its business) can not co-exist? How come qihu must win globally just because it wins in China? Even google, apple, facebook can not dominate all key markets. Why qihu can achieve so?
2013-09-23 22:25
喜欢新浪的内容,却不喜欢曹会计天外飞仙般的资本运作手艺,所以远离$新浪(SINA)$。资本运作型中概股绝对不是小散能碰的,这也是我越来越慎重接触IPO的原因。 喜欢周大炮踏实做事,也熟悉$奇虎360(QIHU)$这个企业,买这家股票赚了大钱,但在80以上下车了,投资不是恋爱。另外奇虎过于人治,过于依...


2013-09-24 10:41
