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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 比亚迪降价打击的主要是合资品牌的燃油车,$长城汽车(SH601633)$ $吉利汽车(00175)$ 只不过是被波及,比亚迪下一波打击才可能轮到你们。



BYD started the year with some of the most 网页链接{aggressive discounts} in China’s almost two-year-long price war, as the automaker looked to convert more consumers from combustion engines to electric cars.

Now, legacy manufacturers like Volkswagen and Toyota are striking back in an effort to hold on to their share of the world’s biggest car market.

SAIC-Volkswagen, one of the German manufacturer’s local ventures, slashed the price of one version of its top-selling sedan, the Lavida XR, to 69,800 yuan ($9,630), bringing it in line with BYD’s popular Seagull hatchback. Toyota, whose sales have fallen almost 15% year-on-year since BYD’s most-recent round of price cuts in March, slashed the price of its latest China-edition Camry sedan to 130,000 yuan, from 170,000 yuan.

The stakes are high for the legacy automakers, which are struggling to keep up with their electric rivals’ broad range of affordable and technologically advanced cars that increasingly appeal to Chinese drivers. Nissan’s once top-selling Sylphy sedan, produced through a venture with Dongfeng Motor, and SAIC-VW’s Sagitar and Lavida models, have fallen behind BYD vehicles in monthly sales.

“Nissan’s Sylphy and VW’s Lavida and Sagitar have been hit hard after BYD’s deep price cuts,” said Joanna Chen, a Hong Kong-based auto analyst for Bloomberg Intelligence. She noted sales of plug-in hybrids — where BYD also dominates — have been particularly strong and accelerated market-share losses for internal combustion engine cars.

So far this year, Nissan’s Sylphy is barely hanging on to its ranking as China’s second-most popular car, with BYD’s top-selling hybrid, the Qin Plus DM-i, fewer than 1,000 units behind.

HSBC Qianhai Securities points to record levels of discounting on internal combustion engine cars, which hit 19.7% in May, citing data from China’s Passenger Car Association. Electric vehicle discounts slipped to 9.7% from the previous month’s peak of 12.8%.

The discounting may not be over yet, with HSBC Qianhai’s head of China autos research Yuqian Ding warning that a summer lull in sales would prompt a fresh wave of price cuts.

Overall, BYD has increased its share of China’s auto market to 15% as of the end of May, four percentage points higher than at the end of the first quarter. VW’s share is down to 8.4%, according to Bloomberg calculations, its lowest since China Automotive Technology and Research Center started compiling the data.

The gap may have widened even further after BYD posted 网页链接{record sales} for June, fueled by additional price cuts and new technology — namely, its latest-generation plug-in hybrid boasting 网页链接{2,000 kilometers} (1,240 miles) of range.

Across the board, foreign automakers are feeling the pain of falling sales in China. General Motors stumbled further, with second-quarter sales slumping 29% from a year ago, to less than half the company’s peak in 2018.

At the same time, new-energy vehicles sales — which include both EVs and plug-in hybrids — have jumped since the traditional Lunar New Year slowdown. Recent data shows the penetration rate of NEV sales nearing the 50% mark, leaving less rom for brands highly reliant on combustion-engine cars to mount a comeback.


今天 21:26


今天 20:44

德系高端品牌已经承受不了价格战开始止血了,大众、丰田等中低端品牌应该过一段时间也会跟进,关键比亚迪会收手吗?华为、蔚来和理想汽车等对标BBA的配置升级价格降级的打法肯定不会停止,而且比亚迪下半年也会加入:$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $赛力斯(SH601127)$ $理想汽车(LI)$
“奥迪Q5L、A6L、A4L这样的主销车型都有了小幅上调,后续可能还会陆续往上调,但幅度不会太大。”前述奔驰销售人员的耳闻在奥迪北京某经销商处得到了证实。以奥迪Q5L 45TFSI豪华动感型为例,其分期最低可至29万元,具体到店价格可进一步商谈,但价格已较此前上涨了1000-2000元。