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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 重点:The corporate fleet market。通过该协议,Ayvens 在欧洲的国际和本地企业客户将受益于针对比亚迪全系列电动汽车的定制电动汽车车队解决方案,从咨询服务和运营租赁到端到端充电服务。

7月2日,比亚迪与法国领先的可持续出行公司Ayvens签署战略合作谅解备忘录,双方将为欧洲的企业和零售客户提供新能源乘用车和轻型商用车的分销支持。根据协议,Ayvens将为欧洲市场和法国企业客户推出定制化的比亚迪全系列电动车队解决方案,从咨询服务、运营租赁到端到端充电服务。初期,Ayvens 将在法国、荷兰、比利时和卢森堡提供租赁服务,并计划进一步拓展其他欧洲市场。Ayvens还将通过比亚迪的经销商网络向中小企业和个人提供全套租赁服务,以促进欧洲向电动汽车的转型。比亚迪总裁王传福、Ayvens集团首席执行官Tim Albertsen、比亚迪副总裁执行副总裁出席签约仪式。

(Bloomberg) -- BYD Co. will work with French car-leasing firm Ayvens SA to expand its presence in Europe, in a deal that gives the Chinese electric-car maker better access to the region’s lucrative corporate market.

The partnership, which covers both passenger EVs and light commercial vehicles, will start out in France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, the companies said Tuesday. Ayvens expects to offer commercial and retail leasing services with BYD at more than 30 European companies within a year.

The corporate fleet market is key to BYD’s push to break through in Europe, where the the world’s biggest maker of electric cars has struggled to gain traction. BYD has intensified its activity in the region, sponsoring the Euro 2024 championships in Germany as it builds a factory in Hungary to increase output in the region.

Corporate fleets make up a majority of sales in most major European markets, underscoring the importance of the memorandum of understanding reached with Ayvens, which is majority owned by French bank Societe Generale SA. BYD signed a deal with car rental provider Sixt in 2022 to supply 100,000 cars through 2028, but has struggled to build up a wide-ranging distribution network in Europe so far.

Like other Chinese carmakers, BYD faces increased regulatory obstacles, with the European Union set to start imposing tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles this week. BYD vehicles are set to get off with a relatively light 17.4% added levy.


07-08 22:36


07-03 16:25

根据协议,Ayvens将为欧洲市场和法国企业客户推出定制化的比亚迪全系列电动车队解决方案,从咨询服务、运营租赁到端到端充电服务。初期,Ayvens 将在法国、荷兰、比利时和卢森堡提供租赁服务,并计划进一步拓展其他欧洲市场。Ayvens还将通过比亚迪的经销商网络向中小企业和个人提供全套租赁服务,以促进欧洲向电动汽车的转型。比亚迪总裁王传福、Ayvens集团首席执行官Tim Albertsen、比亚迪副总裁执行副总裁出席签约仪式。