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$特斯拉(TSLA)$ Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas said last week that Tesla’s stock price remains at risk as long as investors see it as auto company stuck in an increasingly competitive market. But in the long term, Jonas anticipates Tesla will be valued like the other tech companies that moved beyond their first conquests. “The car is to Tesla what the video game chip is to Nvidia. The car is to Tesla what selling books is to Amazon,” he said.

摩根士丹利分析师亚当·乔纳斯 (Adam Jonas) 上周表示,只要投资者认为特斯拉是一家陷入日益激烈的市场竞争的汽车公司,其股价就仍面临风险。但从长远来看,乔纳斯预计特斯拉的估值将与其他超越最初目标的科技公司一样。“汽车之于特斯拉,就如同视频游戏芯片之于 Nvidia。汽车之于特斯拉,就如同卖书之于亚马逊,”他说。