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回复@andyding: Rawlinson revealed that the company has achieved a certified five miles per kilowatt-hour (kWh) efficiency with one of its products.
“We’ve been founded and formed as a company to really advance the state-of-the-art in electric vehicle technology,” Rawlinson stated during his presentation. “Today, I’d like to announce that we have finally achieved a major objective. We’ve managed to achieve a certified five miles per kilowatt-hour with one of our products. This is a landmark achievement validated by the EPA.”
The chief executive also highlighted Lucid’s long-term goal to achieve six miles per kWh, underscoring the company’s commitment to sustainability and technological innovation.
“Our objective as a company is to get to six miles per kilowatt-hour because nothing less than that is going to save the planet,” he said.//@andyding:回复@andyding:为啥特斯拉在三电上的能耗表现一直如此出色,而以三电闻名的比亚迪 的确就是干不过?连雷军和李想都佩服,怪不得Lucid首席执行官彼得·罗林森”在伦敦举行的英国《金融时报》汽车未来峰会上评论”中国新能源汽车厂商赶上了特斯拉“时说:$特斯拉(TSLA)$ $比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $Lucid Group(LCID)$
“if you look at the advance in core EV technology, they're still years and years behind.” He added that “in terms of the elegance of their drivetrain technology, the batteries, the way things are integrated… it's not even close.”
““Well, I think that if we look back in time 10, 15 years ago, Tesla was the tech leader. I think there’s a degree of distraction now. And I think that Lucid has taken that mantle. I believe we’re a number of years ahead in terms of our core technology from Tesla,” Rawlinson said.
He emphasized Lucid’s result 网页链接{in achieving five miles per kilowatt hour,} a milestone he claims no other company has reached .,”
“嗯,我认为如果我们回顾 10 到 15 年前,特斯拉是技术领导者。我认为现在有一定程度的分心。我认为 Lucid 已经接过了这一重任。我相信我们在核心技术方面比特斯拉领先了好几年,”罗林森说。
他强调了 Lucid 实现每千瓦时 5 英里的成果,他声称这是其他公司都未曾达到的里程碑。
2024-06-14 15:00
$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$ Mat Watson of the CarWow YouTube channel, along with his team, 网页链接{drove six electric sedans until they died} to see exactly how much range they could deliver in the real world—and what happens when th...