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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 这是丰田让位比亚迪成为世界第一的转折点吗?造假车型局限似乎只局限在日本国内,但造成的影响是世界范围的。

Toyota said its wrongdoing occurred during six different tests conducted in 2014, 2015, and 2020. Affected vehicles were three production models - the Corolla Fielder, Corolla Axio and Yaris Cross - and discontinued versions of four popular models, including one sold under the Lexus luxury brand.

In one example, it had measured collision damage on one side of a model's bonnet while it was required to do so on both sides.

In other instances, it said it conducted certain tests through development testing under more strict conditions than those set out by the ministry that did not meet the government's requirements.

Toyota said it is still investigating issues related to vehicle fuel efficiency and emissions, and aimed to complete that inquiry by the end of June.

It added there were no performance issues that violated regulations and customers did not need to stop using their cars.

丰田表示,其不当行为发生在 2014 年、2015 年和 2020 年进行的六次不同测试中。受影响的车辆包括三款量产车型——卡罗拉 Fielder、卡罗拉 Axio 和 Yaris Cross——以及四款畅销车型的停产版本,其中包括一款以雷克萨斯豪华品牌销售的车型。



丰田表示,它仍在调查与车辆燃油效率和排放有关的问题,并计划在 6 月底前完成调查。



06-04 11:01

除了丰田,还有本田、马自达等厂商,日本汽车厂商竟然集体团伙作案造假,似乎也是日本汽车行业交棒给中国厂商的信号啊!?一切都是冥冥之中的最好安排:$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $吉利汽车(00175)$ $上汽集团(SH600104)$
Mazda said it fabricated test results and tampered with the units used for collision testing in five models, including the Mazda2 and Roadster RF, according to a company statement on Monday. Irregularities were identified in over 150,000 units the automaker has produced since 2014 for the Japan market.
“We will bear costs incurred to suppliers due to the shipment halts,” Mazda chief executive officer Masahiro Moro said, adding the company would make efforts to prevent the lapses from recurring. The halt is likely to affect 3,500 orders and the carmaker is not considering recalls at this point.
Moro attributed the data issues to employee misinterpretations of unclear procedure manuals, not an “organisational cover-up” or “malicious falsification.”
Mazda suspended shipments of its Roadster RF sports car and the Mazda2 hatchback from Thursday last week after finding workers had modified engine control software test results.
It also found crash tests of the Atenza and Axela models that were no longer in production had been tampered with by using a timer to set off airbags during some frontal collision tests instead of relying on an on-board sensor to detect a hit.
Honda said it had found wrongdoing in noise and output tests over a period of more than eight years to October 2017 on some two dozen models that are no longer being produced.
In the Daihatsu scandal, a panel found that the unit had rigged side-collision safety tests carried out for 88,000 small cars, most of those sold as Toyotas.
马自达周一发表声明称,该公司伪造了测试结果,并篡改了包括 Mazda2 和 Roadster RF 在内的五款车型的碰撞测试设备。自 2014 年以来,该汽车制造商为日本市场生产的超过 15 万辆汽车被发现存在违规行为。
“我们将承担因发货暂停而给供应商造成的成本,”马自达首席执行官 Masahiro Moro 表示,并补充说公司将努力防止此类失误再次发生。此次暂停可能会影响 3,500 份订单,目前该汽车制造商尚未考虑召回。
Moro 将数据问题归咎于员工对不明确的操作手册的误解,而不是“组织掩盖”或“恶意伪造”。
在发现工人修改了发动机控制软件测试结果后,马自达从上周四开始暂停其 Roadster RF 跑车和 Mazda2 掀背车的发货。
委员会还发现,已停产的 Atenza 和 Axela 车型的碰撞测试存在问题,在一些正面碰撞测试中,他们使用计时器触发安全气囊,而不是依靠车载传感器检测碰撞。
本田表示,在截至 2017 年 10 月的八年多时间里,大约二十几种已停产的车型在噪音和输出测试中存在不当行为。
在大发丑闻中,一个小组发现,该部门操纵了对 88,000 辆小型车进行了侧面碰撞安全测试,其中大部分是以丰田车的名义出售的。

06-04 11:48


06-04 06:13

