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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$ $英伟达(NVDA)$ 英伟达CEO黄仁勋:特斯拉FSD在全球自动驾驶汽车领域遥遥领先!网页链接




Last question.
I'm glad you talked about um the auto business and, and what you're seeing there, you mentioned that automotive is now the largest vertical enterprise vertical within data center.
You talked about the Tesla business.
But what is that all about?
Is it, is it self driving among other automakers too?
Are there other functions that automakers are using um within data center?
Help us understand that a little bit better.$特斯拉(TSLA)$ $比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $小鹏汽车(XPEV)$
Jensen Huang:
Well, Tesla is far ahead in self driving cars.
Um but every single car someday will have to have autonomous capability.
Uh It's, it's safer, it's more convenient, it's more, more fun to drive and in order to do that, uh it is now very well known, very well understood that learning from video directly is the most effective way to train these models.
We used to train based on images that are labeled.
We would say this is a, this is a car, you know, this is a car, this is a sign, this is a road and we would label that manually.
It's incredible.
And now we just put video right into the car and let the car figure it out by itself.
And and this technology is very similar to the technology of large language models, but it requires just an enormous training facility.
And the reason for that is because there's videos, the data rate of video, the amount of data of video is so so high.
Well, the, the same approach that's used for learning physics, the physical world um from videos that is used for self driving cars is essentially the same um A I technology used for grounding large language models to understand the world of physics.
Uh So technologies that are uh like Sora which is just incredible.
Um uh and other technologies vo from, from uh uh Google incredible the ability to generate video that makes sense that are conditioned by human prompt that needs to learn from video.
And so the next generation of A is need to be grounded in physical A I need to be under needs to understand the physical world.
And the on the best way to teach these A is how the physical world behaves is through video, just watching tons and tons and tons of video.
And so the the combination of this multimodality training capability is going to really require a lot of uh computing demand in the years to come.

05-24 11:48

"We supported@Tesla's expansion of their AI training cluster to 35,000 H100 GPU's. Their use of Nvidia AI infrastructure paved the way for breakthrough performance of FSD version 12, their latest autonomous driving software based on vision."$特斯拉(TSLA)$ $英伟达(NVDA)$

05-24 07:15
