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比亚迪整车在美国没机会,但零部件也许有机会;李柯指出,美国目前的政治环境意味着“它不再像一个开放的市场”,“美国正在成为一个保护性很强的市场。”:$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$
Due to policy uncertainties and many consumers' hesitancy toward EVs, "we do not have plans to sell in the U.S.," Li said. "It is a very confusing stage.
"We hope after the election everything will be back to normal. People will be more solid-thinking about what's the future solution here."
However, Li said Chinese vendors like BYD still want to be part of the U.S. EV supply chain. Despite taking the EV crown from Tesla last year, BYD is a longtime battery supplier to its U.S. rival.
"If you're talking about from the battery, from the mining, from all the technology integration, [the] Chinese supply chain now is the leading supply chain; it is the best," Li said. "So why don't they allow the U.S. company to have the freedom to choose the best supplier? If they can maybe be more open to the Chinese vendors, it will benefit the U.S. OEMs."
2024-05-07 14:58
$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 看起来这次比亚迪E-journey活动不仅包含墨西哥、巴西、哥伦比亚大学等国家的各路人马,还包含美国的媒体;比亚迪嘴巴上说短期不考虑进军美国市场,但时时刻刻在做着准备和铺垫。
Embark on a journey through the unforgettable moments of our E-Journey for the Americas...


05-07 19:56

Mark,However, Li said Chinese vendors like BYD still want to be part of the U.S. EV supply chain. $比亚迪(SZ002594)$