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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$比亚迪入选《时代周刊》2023年全球最具影响力100家公司榜单,王传福入选《TIME》“THE 100 MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE OF 2024”实至名归,迪斯(英飞凌科技公司监事会主席、大众汽车公司前首席执行官)亲自为他撰写入选提词。

I first met Wang Chuanfu almost 10 years ago and have had the pleasure of watching how his 网页链接{electric-vehicle company BYD} has flourished.

Judging from the impressive buses and lorries I first saw on an early visit to the company’s headquarters in Shenzhen, China, to the various models of BYD cars I test-drove there a couple of years ago—with the chairman as a passenger—to the exclusive electric monorail that took me around the site a few years earlier, Wang’s lofty ambition to transform transportation as a whole is clear. Long before others in the automotive industry were waking up to it, Wang was convinced that electrification was the game to play. His journey hasn’t been easy, but through his long-term and consistent approach, commitment to cost management, and perseverance, BYD, which stands for “Build Your Dreams,” has become a leader in the sector, rivaling Tesla and helping make China the top auto exporter last year.

An engineer by training, Wang is also reshaping the battery supply chain. And his early bets on lithium-iron-phosphate batteries and solar-energy efforts today show he’s not afraid to take calculated risks.

Diess is the chairman of the supervisory board at Infineon Technologies and former CEO of Volkswagen


04-18 11:48

$小米集团-W(01810)$ 雷军和华为界余大嘴在$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 王传福面前算个啥?

@金凤一号 阿凤不来吹一下魏总吗。

04-18 07:50


04-18 12:24


04-18 12:04


04-18 09:46


04-18 04:31
