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$特斯拉(TSLA)$4月15日,马斯克刚刚发布全员邮件,邮件显示特斯拉即将在全球范围内裁员10%,Elon Musk解释的主要原因:

“多年来,我们发展迅速,在全球范围内开设了多家工厂。 随着这种快速增长,某些领域出现了角色和工作职能的重复。 当我们为公司下一阶段的增长做好准备时,关注公司的各个方面以降低成本和提高生产率是极其重要的。“


“Over the years, we have grown rapidly with multiple factories scaling around the globe. With this rapid growth there has been duplication of roles and job functions in certain areas. As we prepare the company for our next phase of growth, it is extremely important to look at every aspect of the company for cost reductions and increasing productivity.

As part of this effort, we have done a thorough review of the organization and made the difficult decision to reduce our headcount by more than 10% globally. There is nothing I hate more, but it must be done. This will enable us to be lean, innovative and hungry for the next growth phase cycle. I would like to thank everyone who is departing Tesla for their hard work over the years. I’m deeply grateful for your many contributions to our mission and we wish you well in your future opportunities.

It is very difficult to say goodbye. For those remaining, I would like to thank you in advance for the difficult job that remains ahead. We are developing some of the most revolutionary technologies in auto, energy and artificial intelligence. As we prepare the company for the next phase of growth, your resolve will make a huge difference in getting us there.



04-15 17:41


04-16 10:19

日前,马斯克发布全员内部信,宣布全球裁员 10%。据最新消息,马斯克的两位重要副手也已离职。
特斯拉高级副总裁 Drew Baglino 周一在 X 上表示已经离开特斯拉。马斯克也对其发表感谢「感谢您为特斯拉所做的一切,很少有人能像您一样做出如此大的贡献」。
Baglino 作为特斯拉的关键高管之一,曾在公司担任动力总成及能源业务高级副总裁,其职业生涯与特斯拉紧密相连,为特斯拉的技术进步和业务发展做出了重要贡献。
除了 Baglino 外,特斯拉负责公共政策和商业发展的副总裁 Rohan Patel 也已离职。
马斯克在去年 8 月已经失去一位副手,当时任 CFO 的 Zachary Kirkhorn 离职。
特斯拉几位高管的离职不知是否与公司陷入困境有关,知情人士透露,一些部门的裁员比例接近20%,而今年 Q1 特斯拉的交付量也大幅低于预期,特斯拉能否顺利渡过难关?
Two of Tesla Inc.’s top executives have left the carmaker in the midst of its latest round of job cuts, according to people familiar with the matter.
Senior Vice President Drew Baglino resigned from the company, according to one of the people, who asked not to be identified because the information is private. He’s been one of just four named executive officers at Tesla, leading engineering and technology development for its batteries, motors and energy products.
The 18-year company veteran — who co-hosted earnings calls and shared the stage with Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk at multiple events, including Tesla’s investor day just over a year ago — is leaving along with Rohan Patel, Tesla’s vice president of public policy and business development.
Tesla and Musk didn’t respond to requests for comment. The carmaker’s shares dropped more than 3 per cent shortly after the start of regular trading Monday. The stock has fallen 33 per cent this year.
The shake-up coincides with Musk announcing the decision to cut headcount by more than 10 per cent globally amid the deteriorating outlook for electric-vehicle sales. The CEO lost another top deputy in August, when Zachary Kirkhorn stepped down as CFO after 13 years with Tesla.$特斯拉(TSLA)$

04-15 16:09