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$礼来(LLY)$ 礼来公司的新减肥药 Zepbound 预计将成为有史以来最畅销的药物。

Lilly’s climb was primarily fueled by its pipeline of a new class of drugs dubbed — GLP1s — to treat obesity and diabetes, along with an experimental treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

If only Eli Lilly & Co. had listened to Richard DiMarchi, it could have been first to the $80 billion 网页链接{weight-loss drug market}.

Three decades ago, DiMarchi was working as a scientist at the Indianapolis-based drugmaker, studying a gut hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1. In a small trial, he showed that an infusion of the hormone caused weight loss in humans. The finding was so promising that he and a collaborator filed a patent. All Lilly had to do was create a product using the technology and it’d have exclusive rights to sell it for weight management for at least a decade.