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回复@andyding: 商业报纸《华尔街日报》周二报道称,负责福特欧洲电动汽车部门(福特Model e)的福特高级经理马丁·桑德(Martin Sander)定于下周与其他高管一起前往中国,与比亚迪商讨收购条款。
除了比亚迪解决方案之外,将大部分工厂交给合同制造商的选择也被认为是有前途的。据德国《汽车周报》从该公司获悉,奥地利麦格纳集团和荷兰合同制造商VDL Nedcar等公司对此感兴趣。
Nedcar总部位于伯恩(Born),拥有4,000多名员工。这家荷兰唯一的汽车制造商生产Mini、Mini Cabrio和Mini Countryman等车型。自2017年以来,Nedcar也一直在生产宝马X1。
合同制造商收购或部分收购的一个优势是,如果要继续在那里生产内燃机车辆,萨尔路易斯工厂只需稍作 改动。如果比亚迪收购并转向电动汽车,将需要更广泛的转换。

$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $福特汽车(F)$ $曼格纳国际(MGA)$//@andyding:回复@andyding:福特的这个准备放弃的欧洲工厂挺香饽饽的,据报道,福特正在与15家感兴趣的公司进行谈判,并计划在3月底或4月初之前为工厂的未来提供解决方案。

“我们正在与一些潜在买家进行讨论,目前没有进一步的补充,”福特发言人表示,拒绝对被点名的个别公司发表评论。$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $福特汽车(F)$ $曼格纳国际(MGA)$ 

Magna International and contract manufacturer VDL Nedcar are interested in taking over Ford's car plant in Saarlouis, Germany, according to sources familiar with the discussions.
The two companies join China's BYD in showing interest in the factory, which will have no new model when Ford ends production of its Focus compact car there in 2025.
The plant's future has been unclear since last June when Ford picked its factory in Valencia, Spain, to build its next-generation electric vehicles for Europe instead of Saarlouis.
Canada's Magna and VDL Nedcar, based in the Netherlands, are considering bidding for the Saarlouis plant, sources familiar with the talks told Automotive News Europe sister publication Automobilwoche.
Magna builds BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar, Toyota and Fisker cars at its Magna Steyr factory in Graz, Austria.
VDL Nedcar builds the X1 and Mini brand cars for BMW Group.

Promising solution

The acquisition of Saarlouis by a contract manufacturer could be a promising solution for its future, sources said. Magna or Nedcar could use the plant to build combustion engine cars without any major conversion works.

If BYD takes over the factory, extensive modifications would need to be made to convert its production capacity to EVs.
Saarlouis employees would welcome any new investor for the plant, which employs 4,500 people.
"It is of secondary importance which continent a possible investor comes from -- if a carmaker comes, that's what we would like to see, because it's what we do," works council chief Markus Thal told Reuters.
BYD, the world's biggest seller of battery-electric cars and plug-in hybrids, is targeting Europe's growing EV market for expansion.
It has launched sales of three Chinese-made cars in selected European markets including the UK and Norway and has said it is looking to produce electric cars in Europe.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that Ford officials were travelling to China next week to visit BYD to discuss selling the Saarlouis site to the EV maker.
Ford is reported to be talking to 15 interested companies and aims to present a solution for the factory's future by the end of March or beginning of April.
"We are in ongoing discussions with a number of potential buyers and have nothing further to add at this time," a Ford spokesperson said, declining to comment on the individual companies named.
Spokespeople for BYD and Magna declined to comment. VDL Nedcar could not immediately be reached for comment.
Reuters contributed to this report
2023-01-24 22:47
$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $福特汽车(F)$ 比亚迪善于这样捡便宜,一定比从零开始建设新工厂合算,毕竟比亚迪有很强的retooling能力。