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Automotive daily review: BYD may become a Tesla battery supplier

Netease automotive industry 2021-11-11 00:33:59 阅读数:20

automotive daily review byd tesla

BYD may become a Tesla battery supplier

teslaWhen the third quarter report was released, it said , For the standard endurance version Model 3(Parameters丨 picture) and Moderl Y, It is gradually adjusted to be equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery , The long-range model will continue to use three elementThe lithium battery . According to the media ,BYDThe fixed-point supply of Tesla battery has almost landed . BYD said “ Declined to comment ”.

Yicai comments : Before that , It has been reported that BYD and Tesla may cooperate in the battery field , BYD “ Blade battery ” Or will be carried first in Model Y, Tesla has also cooperated with Ningde times in the field of lithium iron phosphate batteries . Affected by the above information , BYD 10 month 22 High views on Japanese and Hong Kong stocks 296.2 The Hong Kong dollar , A new all-time high .

Daimler's new China R & D technology center was officially opened

Daimler 10 month 20 in BeijingLaunch a new Chinese R & D Technology Center , The total investment of the R & D technology center is 11 One hundred million yuan . It will focus on important technology trends and local innovation , And greatly accelerate the localization of Daimler . The R & D technology center covers an area of 5.5 Thousands of square meters , It can hold about 1000 R & D personnel , Will study... For the first time 、 Engineering development 、 R & D forces such as simulation and road testing converge . The core work areas of the test building of the new R & D technology center include the inspection of various automotive software and hardware 、 Testing and verification , And covers the main technical fields . The test building is equipped with 7 Test laboratory , Including electric drive Laboratory 、 Charging Laboratory 、 Volatile organic compounds (VOC) test room 、 Chassis Laboratory 、 Noise vibration and acoustic vibration roughness (NVH) test room 、 Engine test room and environmental test room , Can accommodate more than 300 Test vehicle . It is reported that , In Mercedes -MercedesProduct before launch , More long-term and comprehensive engineering development will be carried out in China 、 Testing and verification .

Yicai comments : At present , China has become the world's largest new energy vehicle market , The competition in the field of electric vehicles will be more and more fierce . The present , Daimler and other multinational car companies have begun the road of transformation . But judging from the market performance of electric vehicles , Mercedes 、 audi 、 The sales of multinational car companies such as BMW are not optimistic . therefore , It is very important to understand the Chinese market and strengthen localized R & D . Board member of Daimler AG 、 Tang Shikai, who is in charge of business in Greater China (Hubertus Troska) Think , The new R & D technology center will help Mercedes Benz focus on the needs of Chinese customers , Accelerate the localization of new models, including electric vehicles . In accordance with the plan , to 2022 year , Mercedes - Mercedes Benz will provide pure electric models for all its market segments ;2025 From the year onwards , The architecture of all newly released models will be pure electric platform , Each model will provide customers with a pure electric version .2022 - 2030 year , Mercedes - Mercedes Benz's investment in pure electric vehicles will exceed 400 Billions of euros .

Hyundai China forward looking digital R & D center was established

China forward looking digital R & D center of Hyundai Motor Group was officially completed in Shanghai , China forward looking digital R & D center is the successor of Hyundai Motor Group 2013 In, modern automobile was established in Yantai · After Kia China R & D Center , The first overseas forward-looking digital intelligent R & D center established in China . The R & D center mainly focuses on four technical directions : Mobile Travel 、 electric 、 Internet technology and autopilot MECA Related technology , There are six functional departments : Information and entertainment new technology development department 、 Driverless development department 、UX Research Department 、 Modern Shanghai modeling design department 、 Kia Shanghai Design Department and innovation and development department . Hyundai Group has demonstrated its capability for the first time AVP ( Apollo Valet Parking, Self parking ) technology IONIQ ( Enikrypton ) 5, This is Hyundai Motor Group and Baidu Apollo Jointly launched L4 Class a automatic parking product that can realize unmanned ability .

Yicai comments : Hyundai Motor Group has been ranked high in the global market , However, the performance in the Chinese market has been relatively weak in recent years . The sales volume of Beijing Hyundai and Dongfeng Yueda Kia, two companies of Hyundai Motor Group in China, fell , In the industry believe that , Hyundai's performance in the Chinese market is relatively backward, mainly due to its failure to grasp the rhythm of the development of the Chinese market , There are problems in strategy formulation and so on . The importance of the Chinese market to multinational car enterprises is self-evident , The degree of localization is the key . at present , Many multinational car companies have set up R & D centers in China . And with the advent of the era of electrification , Digitization is becoming more and more important . According to the plan of Hyundai Motor Group , The electric vehicle enikrypton that has been released in South Korea 5 And Kia's ev6 It was first introduced into China within this year , And from next year, it will launch an exclusive electric vehicle every year .2030 The electric models to be launched in China in will start from 8 Increase to 21 paragraph .

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2021-11-12 08:25


2021-11-12 00:11
